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St Patrick's Day

January 15, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

St Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day, or Saint Patrick's Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig), commemorates Ireland's patron saint, Bishop St. Patrick's Day (c. 385–461) The festival is held on March 17th every year.

St Patrick's Day

In 432 AD, St. Patrick was sent by the Pope to Ireland to persuade the Irish to convert to Christianity. After St. Patrick came ashore from Wicklow, angry local non-Christians attempted to stone him to death. St. Patrick was not afraid of danger, and immediately picked off a three-leaf wood sorrel, which vividly explained the doctrine of the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. His eloquent speech moved the Irish deeply, and they were baptized by St. Patrick. On March 17, 461, St. Patrick passed away. In memory of him, the Irish set this day as St. Patrick's Day.

St Patrick's Day

Originating in Ireland in the late 5th century, the day later became a national holiday for the Irish, a bank holiday in Northern Ireland and a statutory holiday in the Republic of Ireland, Montserrat and the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. In the rest of Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States and New Zealand, St. Patrick's Day, while widely celebrated, is not an official holiday.


St Patrick's Day

The United States began to celebrate on March 17, 1737. Some Irish gentlemen and businessmen gathered in Boston, Massachusetts, USA to commemorate St. Patrick and established the Irish Charity Society. In 1780 and 1784, groups such as St. Patrick's Sons of Friendship were established in Philadelphia and New York. Since then, millions of Americans, whether they are of Irish descent or not, take to the streets to celebrate this national holiday every year.



St Patrick's Day

The United States is one of the countries with the largest number of Irish immigrants. According to statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, as of 2008, there were about 36.28 million Americans who claimed to be of Irish descent, accounting for 11.9% of the total U.S. population. The second largest group of German-Americans. Irish-Americans immigrated to the United States with a long history and a large number of people. They have made great contributions to the development of American society and have considerable political influence. Most of the successive presidents in modern American history have Irish ancestry, including Obama, Bush family father and son, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Kennedy, Truman and so on.

St Patrick's Day

On St. Patrick's Day in the United States, people usually hold activities such as parades, church services and dinners. Irish people in the United States like to wear shamrocks, decorate their rooms with green and yellow, the national flag colors of Ireland, wear green clothes, and present shamrock ornaments to guests.
St Patrick's Day

In addition to clothing, food, toys, etc. will be brought green during the festival. Before and after St. Patrick's Day, Irish pubs are always full of customers, and there are many more people in various other pubs than usual. The bar will also sell special beer during the festival. The color is green, and this green beer is very popular. , The taste is also very unique, and the sales volume is very good.


St Patrick's Day

Irish folk songs are often sung when people celebrate festivals in pubs and at home, famous ones are "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling", "Seven Drunken Nights", "The Irish Rover", "Danny Boy", "The Fields of Athenry" , "Black Velvet Band", etc. Among them, the song "Danny Boy" (Danny Boy) is widely spread in countries all over the world.
St Patrick's Day

Did you know that there is also a local group that celebrates St Patrick's Day in Ireland? The St. Patrick's Day Street Festival (St Patrick's Day Street Festival) held locally last year attracted more than 20,000 people!


St Patrick's Day

St Patrick's Day (St Patrick's Day) is set on March 17 every year to commemorate St Patrick who brought Christianity to Ireland. On this day, people usually wear green clothes that symbolize hope and nature, and hold parades, church services and dinners.
St Patrick's Day


St Patrick's Day

St Patrick's Day

St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day


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